Slowly recovering from RWA and other things…
Fun news — Butterfly Swords has been translated into Spanish and is now available as El vuelo de las mariposas (The Flight of the Butterflies). Which totally makes me curious about how the prose translates over! Maybe I need to enlist a former student to read the Spanish version.
I need to look up how to do international versions of my website now like the way Courtney Milan does it.
RWA was fun, but completely exhausting. I was notoriously bad at taking notes, taking pictures, taking prisoners at RWA this year so no cool report from me.
Just the highlights:
- Went to the librarian luncheon for the first time. It was fun sitting with librarians from NYC and Barbara Vey as well as meeting up with booksellers and librarians during the networking hour. And I actually knew some faces so I wasn’t wandering around like a lost duckling like last year.
- My first RWA signing. It’s something you dream of an aspiring author and there I was! Some very nice readers and bloggers came by to say hi. Also with Harlequin editors stopping by and RTC folk looking for buttons as well as Ruby Slipper scavenger hunters, I didn’t look so lonely.
- Had a great lunch with Sabrina Jeffries and Miranda Neville at Sardi’s. Sabrina was intelligent, fun, and so knowledgeable and it was a great time just to eat and chat. We got a little preview of her Numbers talk since I was going to miss it for the Harlequin Historical tea.
- The pinnacle of course was meeting my agent, Gail Fortune, face to face. As I was getting dressed for the Harlequin party, I told my roomies I felt like Cinderella going to meet my fairy godmother. 🙂
Jul 11, 2011 @ 08:52:12
I read Spanish 🙂 El vuelo de las mariposas sounds like a beatiful translation of the title to me.
Jul 21, 2011 @ 13:36:48
I hope you got author copies! I’m sure it won’t be hard at all to find people who read Spanish, so I’m sure you’d have plenty of takers!
I love the translation of the title. Interesting they use the identical cover.
Jul 28, 2011 @ 18:00:39
Hey! Sorry I missed you at RWA this year. Love the cover for the new book and it’s out soon. How exciting.
Aug 07, 2011 @ 21:19:18
Hello Amanda & Maria!!
I don’t know if I get author copies–I will unless the release is digital only.
Maria — I think I caught a glimpse of you after the awards and tried to say a quick hello. I was an absolute zombie by the end of RWA this year and missed a lot of people.