It seems that everyone throws some sort of special giveaway on their blog for their birthday, so I tried to think what would be something nice that I would also enjoy.
The Golden Heart deadline for signing up was yesterday and the due date for sending in the entry is December 2nd. Everyone knows I get kind of sentimental around Golden Heart season, so how about a five page critique?
I’m a bit of a first five pages nut. Don’t ask me how to write page 6-300, because that’s still a mystery to me.
So if you leave a comment here with your premise in 1-2 sentences and you’ll be entered in the drawing. I’ll draw randomly Friday night. The premise is just to let me know you’re interested in the critique rather than just here to wish me a big old Happy Birthday. (Yes, I am an attention ho on my birthday.) You don’t have to be entered in the Golden Heart, but if you are, just let me know and I’ll send a little Ruby-slipper heel clicking your way for good mojo.
I’ll announce the winner Friday. The winner needs to send their five pages to me by Saturday, 11/20. I’ll return it by Monday–plenty of time to tweak for that Golden Heart entry!
Nov 16, 2010 @ 09:25:12
happy birthday!
Question(s) about the critique giveaway: does it matter if what I’m working on is no where near finished (it’s only about 17,000 words so far), and isn’t going to be entered into the Golden Heart?
My premise is:
Larraine Hennings, a food aficionado in search of happiness, finds a chance to undo the mistakes of her past with one Marcus Avery, who reminds her of a former love who she had rejected due to his race. However, Marcus isn’t the only person vying for her attention, and Larraine soon finds herself pulled into the tangle of affections holding together Marcus, his ex-girlfriend, and an odd stranger she has only met through email…thus far.
Tweets that mention Jeannie Lin | Award-winning historical romance author -- Topsy.com
Nov 16, 2010 @ 09:36:33
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Shawntelle Madison, Rene Sears, Sabrina Shields, Eve S., Jeannie Lin and others. Jeannie Lin said: Birthday Bash: I'm giving away a 'first five pages' critique this week to celebrate 🙂 http://tinyurl.com/23kx4b5 Plz RT […]
Nov 16, 2010 @ 09:40:19
Happy Birthday! The 14th was my sister’s bday and she also turned 35. She’s going through all sorts of angst about it – hope you’re not sharing that part of it!!
I actually bought the First Five Pages based on your rec and I love your stories about how you changed the opening of Butterfly Swords until it worked. On that note, I’ve gotten several comments on my opening which lead me to believe it’s still not there. I’d be thrilled if you entered me in the critique contest.
Here’s the premise: Aliens present Earth with a list of candidates invited to participate in the first universal summit. Ashley V, a tabloid-magnet movie star looking for good publicity, isn’t on the list – but fakes her way onto the spaceship.
Thanks for the offer!!
Nov 16, 2010 @ 09:56:46
Happy Birthday, Jeannie! Hope you have a great one in the Big Apple!
We have a couple birthday twins in my family. DH & my uncle (which explains so much sometimes) and then My MIL and her brother’s SO. Then we have the odd ones: DD was born on the day her great grandmother died and even freakier, I was born the exact same day my grandfather died.
Nov 16, 2010 @ 10:25:05
Many happy returns!
I’ll just enter my NaNo 2009 story since it’s already finished, if still in need of editing (boy, does it).
After being ousted from his martial sect, Bai Shi is determined to begin life anew while still maintaining his martial skills. Little does he know that his past will catch up with him, as he encounters new enemies and a mysterious young swordswoman.
Nov 16, 2010 @ 11:33:17
Happy Birthday!
Nov 16, 2010 @ 11:44:57
Um, I didn’t enter the GH, but a 5 page critique would be awesomesauce!
Suffering and a Savior
Brand has saved countless women from abusive situations, but no rescue has meant more than Simi.
Simi’s running from her past, and finds salvation in Brand’s arms.
And Happy Birthday! Again!
Nov 16, 2010 @ 13:30:04
Hello everyone! Love these premises. Good thing my friend random.org will be helping me pick. Otherwise I’d be lost.
@Kaige – Weird coincidences! Do you think the grandparents and great-grandparents were holding on because they knew a new addition to the family was coming?
Nov 16, 2010 @ 14:35:38
Oh and no need to be finished or a GH’er. First five pages is all you need.
Nov 16, 2010 @ 15:30:58
Happy Birthday, Jeannie! May you have many many many more successes and that creativity flows easily and maybe a RITA in your future 🙂
Nov 16, 2010 @ 15:39:55
Happy birthday Jeannie! Enjoy the day and eat tons of cake and chocolate. 😀
Nov 16, 2010 @ 17:14:12
Happy Birthday, Jeannie! Hope it’s wonderful. 🙂
Nov 17, 2010 @ 10:34:44
I’ve been away from Divas. I didn’t realize it was your B-Day. Happy Birthday, Jeannie!!!!!!
Nov 18, 2010 @ 18:39:12
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Jeannie! Happy birthday to yooooooou!!!! 🙂 And getting to spend your birthday in NYC is freaking awesome. 🙂
Here’s my premise:
Philadelphia tour guide Lauren Franklin hasn’t learned from history and is doomed to repeat it when her lingering what-if, Grant McConnell, reenters her life after seven years.
While dealing with her cheating fiance and realizing how strongly her lingering what-if has lingered, Lauren seeks advice from Colonial America’s equivalent of Dr. Phil and her great-to-the-eighth-power uncle: Benjamin Franklin.
Nov 19, 2010 @ 08:25:32
Happy Birthday Jeannie.
My birthday is on the 21st.
I will be 65, oh my.
Nov 19, 2010 @ 10:05:47
Happy (soon to be) Birthday Marjorie!
Thanks Allison! Hey, there was a Ben Franklin exhibit going on somewhere. I thought of you. I’ll have to search out where I found it.
Nov 19, 2010 @ 10:14:01
Happy belated birthday! I hope you had a wonderful one!
Nov 19, 2010 @ 13:35:11
Also, my premise (as short as I could get it…):
Naomi Rochester is isolated from Tokyo society due to her mixed heritage. But when two mysterious “guardians” sent from her father inform her that her life is in danger, she has no other choice but to leave the only city she ever knew and assume a new identity in a secluded mountain village–as a wife to one of her guardians, Ryuji Ito, a man who has makes her temper flare. Now she must learn to play the role of a traditional Japanese wife convincingly–and guard her heart in the process.
(I need to come up with a better way of shortening the story down but there it is 🙂 )
Nov 19, 2010 @ 15:31:57
Thanks everyone. And it’s not belated. Don’t we get to count the whole week? 🙂
I’m going to be selecting the critique giveaway winner tonight. I’ll post here and e-mail at that time
Nov 19, 2010 @ 16:22:34
The Ben Franklin exhibit is probably in Philly. 😀 He oozes out of that town. More than I originally thought.
And… umm… some of us celebrate the whole month. *cough*Stephanuary*cough* 🙂
So I hearby dub November: Jeanniember.
Party on. 🙂
Nov 19, 2010 @ 19:00:30
How kind, thank you for the birthday wishes.