In California today and going to drive down to San Diego for cousin Kimmy’s wedding. Still floating on air on the wings of my agent announcement.
Jet lag and sleeplessness seem like they are just going to stick with me for a while. Whenever, I’m back in California I seem to burn the candle from both ends; waking up insanely early because my body is used to Central time, then staying up too late because I’m out with friends or what not.
Already my Los Angeles schedule is filling up:
- Kimmy’s wedding – Lots of family time
- Tea and sit down with Little Sis to go over my critiques for her manuscript
- Dinner/Lunch with mum
- Take pictures of Hollywood and Kodak Theatre (for Amanda)
- And then there’s a bunch friends I want to see! Divas are in town, I haven’t seen my chemistry counterpart in forever, and my BFF has a play that’s opening this week. It’s so hard to squeeze everything into one week. I always feel like I’m neglecting someone.
This is all while juggling my real life IT job. I’ll be working from the hotel and driving to the OC for a team meeting one of the days.
On the other hand, the timing is so perfect. I so want to see everyone and give them the biggest hug in the world! I don’t know who or what to thank — I just want to thank everyone. The emotions are overwhelming. Life is full and life is good.
I keep thinking of the last line of “Pursuit of Happyness”:
“This part of my life, this one little part, is called ‘happiness’.”
May 02, 2009 @ 08:58:07
OK, I love that movie and love that line. The idea that our life is filled with little moments of happiness is beautiful.
Safe travels!
May 03, 2009 @ 15:58:30
Have a great time! I wish I was there to hang out. I need to take a trip to LA and visit my friends. I’m starting to miss everyone. Sigh.
I love that line from the movie, too!