I should be writing, but instead I’m devouring books. With a Vengeance by Eileen Dreyer yesterday and Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini today. Both pretty darn ‘unputdownable’ for different reasons.
Kite Runner was a debut novel which means, inevitably, I’m having novel envy. I don’t think I have a novel that beautiful in me. It was quite powerful.
And I write about swordfights. WAAAAAHHHHH!!!!
Sep 22, 2009 @ 07:29:24
As I’ve read them both (Butterfly Swords and The Kite Runner), I’d say you have no reason to envy. 🙂
Though, I totally understand the feeling. Just reading over pages for everyone in the crit group last night, I was having a total inferiority complex. I must keep reminding myself not to compare so much, and to keep focused on improving my own writing. That’s all I can control anyway.
Sep 23, 2009 @ 07:55:43
Thanks Kristi for that super-sweet morale boost.
Sometimes we really do need to be talked off of the ledge, don’t we? I’m always impressed with everyone’s work when I read for crit group too!
Sep 23, 2009 @ 12:20:21
I try to remember my John Donne quote that he wrote especially for writers: “Comparisons are odious.” Yup. Of course, I’ve been known to have Donne-envy. LOL!
But seriously, fights and battlescenes can be beautiful monsters. Don’t knock ’em.
I haven’t yet had the time to read Kite Runners, but intend to. I’m sure I’ll leave my mark in the little green box, too. We all do, but it’s pointless to compare except in your query letter. ;D
Sep 28, 2009 @ 22:56:35
A little envy keeps us hungry, doesn’t it? And it’s always good to stay hungry.