…and where writing is like a 12-step program.
I met my goal and sort of feel like the leader of a 12-step group. I’m instigating daily writing chat sessions on Romance Divas as well as a couple of encouragement threads and more and more people want to jump onto the bandwagon.
That’s all good. Now I feel like I can’t let them down and I have to keep my end up as well as do some cheerleading and whip-wielding. Something I learned from teaching — good lesson plans and browbeating will only get you so far. The rest is peer pressure. Now I’m sure to have the bulk of this draft done in two weeks.
Gone is the day of the lonely typist in the night. Would Poe and Salinger laugh at us? Aren’t we such together-together monkeys? 🙂
Apr 12, 2010 @ 05:31:01
You got all 10 pages! Hooray!
I did write about 5-600 while little boy was sleeping and hubby was at little girl’s soccer game. I know I said on Divas that I would do 500/day (so terribly wimpy compared to what, 2000-2500?), but we’ll see how long that lasts 🙂 In fact, tonight as I’m already giving up a workout in favor of grocery shopping (darned those kids needing milk and fresh veggies all the time), I’m not sure if I’ll even make day 2 🙂
Good luck, and see you tomorrow(?)
Apr 12, 2010 @ 05:34:09
Awesome start Kristi. Don’t count yourself out for day 2 yet. I may skip my daily jog to get a couple pages in. Oh, the sacrifices!
Apr 12, 2010 @ 10:41:32
Yay! I start my Fast Drafting today. I’m still at work so I don’t have too much time to focus, but I’ve got my time all blocked out for the evening to meet the goal.