Contest final: Butterfly Swords finals in the Sheila

Got a call this weekend that Butterfly Swords finaled in the VFRW Sheila contest! As an extra bonus, the coordinator told me that the judges scored it so highly that she had to take a look and was quite excited.

The entry goes to the final judge in a couple of days. I’m happy and as always, continue to hope…

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  1. Dara
    Apr 27, 2009 @ 09:38:32

    YAY!! How exciting!!

  2. kate willoughby
    Apr 27, 2009 @ 13:02:52


  3. Jeannie
    Apr 27, 2009 @ 19:26:17

    Thank you!

  4. Jax Cassidy
    Apr 27, 2009 @ 20:21:41

    Wow! You’re on a roll! How awesome and I’m totally thrilled! CONGRATS!!!