July/August has really been putting me through the wringer. The Real Life job has been ramping up and I’ve been resorting to junk food to get through my day. I need someone to wag their finger at me and tell me that nachos are not a delicious, nutritious meal to be had twice a week. 🙁
The same thing needs to be said about cookies.
Things are about to become more hectic as I have to start hopping on planes again. California in two weeks to meet with some “minions”. Mwahahaha…. And then Mid-September, another trip to California for my sister’s wedding festivities. Ugh, and then Boston in November. For Little Sis’ second wedding — spoiled brat. 🙂
I’ve planned a sleepover in Napa at the Napa Inn – voted the most romantic inn in California – for me and Little Sis. I’m supposed to be handling the bridal shower activities and providing her some R & R before the big event, which means I need to be the calm one. Calm blue ocean….Calm blue ocean.
I’m looking forward to Napa. For some reason, I think nachos will be a little harder to come by. Maybe seeing sunshine and having fresh produce nearby will help me detox finally.
Aug 15, 2009 @ 21:06:26
Wow, you’re such a jetsetter! I’ll be in Orlando for most of September and hopefully get lots of writing done. I need to crank out those proposals. I’ve been behind. I need to go to LA. Maybe I can swing a gig as a guest speaker 🙂
Aug 16, 2009 @ 01:00:40
I have no choice. My job is based in California and my sister decides to have two weddings. Silly girl. The last thing I wanted to do after my wedding was…ugh…worry about doing it again. Ever!
Hope you get lots of writing done in Orlando. Sometimes a change of scenery helps me out.
Aug 26, 2009 @ 23:13:57
I didn’t want two weddings. I barely wanted one! It’s the fiance. It was the first of what I’m sure will be many many compromises.
Aug 27, 2009 @ 08:40:59
Oh no! My Little Sis visited my blog. That means I have to stop talking about her.