Hello my lonely blog. I’ve been neglectful. Let me say it was no choice of my own! Since I like to stay overwhelmingly positive here, let’s just say two trips to the ER and a little bit of day job pressure have kept me away. But now I’m back, on a double dose of antibiotics, and feeling much, much better.
Some cute news: I’m on another panel in Nashville! “Dress for Historical Success” was proposed by author Peg Herring. She sent out a request for historical authors in different time periods who would want to dress up in their time period costume for a runway show at conference. They had America and England covered so she was asking for some other time periods. Being the new girl in the playground, I tentatively came up to her and told her I wrote in 8th century China and hoped the other girls would want to play with me.
It turns out Jade Lee was already on the panel and she told Peggy that I would be a great asset. 🙂
So not only do I get to join a panel of authors, I don’t have to be the oddball on the runway in Asian costume. There will be two of us! I need to write up an informative blurb about my costume with historical detail and how it figures into my book. I’ve already ordered the costume. (Apparently Japanese cosplay has some Tang Dynasty afficionados.)
I don’t want to reveal the runway look here, so I just put some images to give a taste of what the clothes looked like. I’m also giddy because it’s a bit of a childhood fantasy to dress up in these lavish costumes. They’re so feminine and flowing. Maybe those fantasies spurred me to write in this period.
This does give me another incentive to lose the winter weight before conference. I’ve never had to work a runway before and I want to be Tyra fierce.
Mar 01, 2010 @ 09:31:07
So awesome! I’m jealous!
I’d dress up in a kimono for something if I could…even though it might look a little weird for a Caucasian girl but who cares 😛
What would really be fun is to dress up in Heian era costume. Layers of colorful robes and nearly floor length hair…it would be a challenge though and I’d probably trip, but it would be worth it.
Mar 01, 2010 @ 16:00:29
Oh, I am so in love with this idea and yes, a little bit jealous. I’m more relieved that it’s not me on the runway, though. LOL
You HAVE to post pictures, of course. ;D
Mar 02, 2010 @ 06:10:59
Dara – I think you would look fabulous in a kimono. I looked up some Heian period costumes. Absolutely beautiful!
Victoria – I’ll make sure I plant a camera in the audience. Of course, I am a bit camera shy and now the reality of what I’ve volunteered to do is coming through! It’s good that there’s about nine other authors up there with me.