I did it. I took a personal day off work to go to a Write-In with my local chaptermates. It was fabulous!
I hammered out nearly 5000 words and The End is so close I can almost see it waving at me. This is the way things could be if it weren’t for the day job! Of course, there’s no guarantee I’d write this way every day if I was doing this full time, but I like to dream.
If all goes well…today or tomorrow…I think I can, I think I can.
Dec 11, 2009 @ 08:26:23
You can do it!
Now, I need to follow your example and get my butt in gear and actually do more writing too…haven’t done much since the end of NaNo.
Dec 12, 2009 @ 05:44:42
Great job, Jeannie! You are my hero.
And Dara, I’m stuck in editing land. How I envy those folks who can let go of one project to work on another!
Dec 14, 2009 @ 13:25:13
Whoo hoo! Almost there! When is the release date for Butterfly Swords? Will we get to see the cover soon? So excited!
Dec 15, 2009 @ 04:43:55
Thanks ladies! I’m done!
Now for the fun part.
Lisa – I’m wondering the same thing about Butterfly Swords. I think the publisher is making some decisions about it right now and with the holiday season upon us…maybe I’ll hear at the end of the year or the beginning of the next?