Hubby and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary this week (yeah, I know…just a couple of kids in love, right?). I recounted something really sweet he said to me and it sparked a delightful conversation at Romance Divas. It made me want to open the thread up a bit, so I thought I’d ask the same question here:
What’s Your Time Machine Moment?
Hubby and I were reminiscing a bit about how we met. A funny second meeting was when he was a hired gun for my company. He was in over his head and didn’t know how to program at all. I was heading out to lunch and he happened to run into me. He remembered me being in the training class so he managed to drag me over to help him with an IF statement. I stared at the screen and asked him if he’d ever run that code, because he had bigger problems than the IF statement. Over the next several years, he and I worked a couple times together, he became a pretty decent coder and earns a decent living from it, and of course we eventually got married a decade later. *vbg*
Hubby made a very sweet remark that if anyone wanted to get in a time machine and mess up his life, that would be the moment to do it. All they had to do was delay him by one minute so I had already walked out the door to lunch.
I don’t know when my time machine moment would be. Maybe it’d be back with my Mum being pregnant and making the decision to get on the boat to leave Vietnam right before the war ended. She did this despite a deathly fear of water — a fortune teller had told her that water was dangerous for her and she always had an irrational fear of drowning because of it. She never learned how to swim and ironically her name means “Ocean” in Vietnamese. Maybe that fortune teller was a minion of Dr. Evil!
So what’s your time machine moment?
Jun 17, 2011 @ 15:36:45
I would say it was the Welcome picnic at college the second day freshman year. I knew a few people from my church that were there and was hanging out with them. But I was kind of ignored (LOL, who wants the little freshman hanging around them?) and ended up finding one of my floormates. She was hanging out with two other guys, one whom I recognized from an earlier orientation the spring before. That man ended up being my husband 🙂 Had I not broken off from my comfort zone in that moment, it’s entirely likely I wouldn’t have even become close friends with my husband.