Never apologize for the sex

This post is actually a fangirl gush about a new author I’ve just discovered after reading a review on Dear Author: Gaijin by Remittance Girl. As I was putting my thoughts together, I considered starting with a warning that this author’s work is intensely erotic and may contain content, language, etc that is disturbing or offensive to readers. But 1) You never know what’s going to offend a reader 2) Heck, my work is likely offensive to some 3) Who am I to be the protector of sensitivities? and finally 4) A great word of advice I got from author Megan Kelly:

Never apologize for the sex Continue reading

The Perfect Little Nibble: Two erotic romance reviews

I love reading outside of my genre and I’ve always admired a tightly written story. I recently had the opportunity to read and review two wonderfully crafted shorts. There really is an art to writing something with so few words that has so much impact.

“Jesse’s Hands” by Emily Ryan-Davis


Emily Ryan-Davis’ “Jesse’s Hands” is a captivating exploration of unfulfilled desire, control, and the psychology of loneliness and longing. The heroine’s sense of desperation throughout her one time only rendezvous with Jesse is utterly heart-wrenching. The story gives a rare look into the delicate and powerful balance between domination and submission that is difficult to achieve. Ms. Davis’ writing is an example of the sum being greater than the parts — not a single gorgeous word is wasted. I couldn’t help but compare it to the beauty and dark complexity of AnaÏs Nin; a work that invades your body and mind.

Read “Jesse’s Hands” and see for yourself over at Freya’s Bower.

“Dining In” by Elise Logan dining-in-final

Elise Logan’s “Dining In” portrays a well-written, delightfully sensual encounter — doors wide open. This is the sort of scene you might fantasize about while sitting at your desk at work. “Take charge” Adam fulfills Carrie’s every fantasy. The story cuts to the good part, putting you right in this very intimate and sexy moment between two characters that is all about desire and wish fulfillment.

Take a look at “Dining In” over at Freya’s Bower.