The name of the game: Move Quickly
I’m so excited that people are designing their cards! There are some awesome ones out there and we (meaning myself and my CPs Amanda Berry and Shawntelle Madison) hope to start compiling them on a site soon so readers can see all available cards and know what to look for. In the meantime, keep advertising them on your site and Twitter so other RTC’ers get some ideas of what to do.
Updated: is now up. We are maintaining the list of participating authors over there. Please use the Questions/Contact form on that site so I don’t miss anyone over here in the comments.
We also have a twitter feed for news only: @romtradingcards
As you know, the Romantic Times crowd doesn’t have a lot of time. You should be getting your order in by next week to make Ground shipping rates for GotPrint.
Stock images can be found a sites like,, or which has images specifically taken with romance covers in mind.
Kimberly Killion of HotDamnDesigns (and fellow RTCer) is doing a 50% off sale on stock images for Romance Trading Cards. She is also offering to design cards for a small $20 fee.
From Kimberly:
If authors need a character image, I will sell the images off for $10.
Send an email to kim @ and let me know which image you would like for you card.
She will ALSO design and order for you if you want cards, but don’t want the hassle.
Printing costs and quantities are as follows:
100 cards: 15.75
250 cards: 17.41
500 cards: 21.00
1000 cards: 23.62
Ground shipping: 15.00 (approx)
Character image: 10.00 (if purchase from
Layout and processing fee: 20.00
Please send:
High-res book cover
Link to image that will represent your character
Text: (i.e. Character stats – Height, age, description, Best lines, short blurb)
Contact: Kimberly Killion at kim @
The design is completely open. However, if you’d like to use the common templates for a unifying look and feel, they’re available for download on the blog. Here’s my example:
I’m offering a two hour web tutorial and just general Q&A session from 7-9pm EST on Saturday, March 5. E-mail me through the site or DM me on Twitter @JeannieLin to get the password. First hour: I’ll be walking through a technical tutorial on downloading the template and using GIMP to format the card, then uploading your order to GotPrint. Second hour we can just chat and discuss RTC and what people are doing for design, how it’ll play out at Romantic Times, etc.
A big ol’ link will be active on Saturday at 7pm EST. So get the password and come back on Saturday.
Also there were several discussions about affiliation stickers and buttons. I think that idea is capital. Design by committee doesn’t move quickly, so here’s what I came up with:
Fancy huh? I thought so.
The design has the added benefit of being easily reproducible. The font is AR Blanca.
As usual, the plan is simple. I’ll bring buttons and stickers to Romantic Times. Pay me $1 and get 1 button, 4 stickers. Add the button to your lovely badge flare and put the sticker on your signing table so readers can find you. I hope to get other people willing to take additional buttons to other conferences like Lori Foster and RomCon. I’ll be at RWA.
The costs:
300 buttons (2.25 diameter) for .50 per button.
2000 stickers (2.75 diameter) for .12 per sticker
I will put in the initial money to order in the quantities described. So far we don’t have 300 authors interested but at the rate things are growing…
You have a day to comment before we go ahead. 🙂
Mar 03, 2011 @ 10:58:16
Jeannie: I will take Lori Foster con buttons / stickers if you’d like.
Mar 03, 2011 @ 11:35:23
Jeannie…I’m gonna do these cards for RT and RWA. 1 card for the hero of Wicked Seduction, Kit Frazier. But I’m not on your list. Can you put me on please? Please?? HUGS!
Mar 03, 2011 @ 11:40:56
Jade – You’re on there now. I’m keeping two lists now just to know who we’re looking at for RT since it’s coming so fast. It’s assumed most of the RT ppl will also do RWA, but we have more time to compile that list. There will be a last minute update for official head count for RT in case we do print any sort of directory.
No worries! You’re the last author I’d forget. 🙂
Mar 03, 2011 @ 11:43:45
Emily – Thanks!
I may have a local author here who’s going too–so we might be covered. But you know you’ll have a few RTCers at Lori Foster now.
Mar 03, 2011 @ 11:47:31
The RTC button/sticker design is perfect, Jeannie. Would you like $ now? And where can we find you early at RT?
Thanks a million for this. It’s such fun!
Mar 03, 2011 @ 12:22:26
Jeannie can I be added to the RT list as well? Thanks!
Mar 03, 2011 @ 13:40:36
Katherine — Oh no, please don’t send me money now. Paypal would just take it all and mailing $1.00 doesn’t seem to make sense. I’m really trying to keep this light on red tape and if I have to start mailing things…ugh.
Just find the RTC crew at conference. We’ll update and tweet about how/where to get them. Me and my CP will be there a few days early.
Amanda – Will do! I’m updating in intervals plus we’re working to move things to a central website. So please be patient, but you’ll be in there.
Mar 03, 2011 @ 14:30:09
Jeannie, just wanted to make sure I’m on your list for both RT and RWA.
I’ve been having a great time today designing cards!
Mar 03, 2011 @ 14:46:24
Thanks Susanna. Will update the list this afternoon. You must show off when you’re finished!
Mar 03, 2011 @ 17:12:45
Jeannie, I’m in for Lori Foster and RWA. You tell me “give me money” and I’ll give you money.
Mar 03, 2011 @ 17:59:09
I’m in, Jeannie! So fun!
Mar 03, 2011 @ 18:02:06
Yay! More peeps! You you in for RT Jen?
Mar 03, 2011 @ 22:30:48
The button is a great idea!
Mar 03, 2011 @ 23:18:07
I’m game for stickers and a button — I’ll give you the money at RWA
Mar 03, 2011 @ 23:18:19
Count me in for a button and stickers!
Mar 04, 2011 @ 11:50:59
Hi! Please add me to the RT list! 🙂 What fun! (so glad there are such creative people in the world :))!
Mar 04, 2011 @ 15:09:21
Erin – We are now keeping the list on
I’ll be updating by the end of the day. Welcome!