I’ve been dragging my butt for a week, but I finally started the new one. It’s not quite a new one. It’s a cyberpunk premise I’ve been batting around for a while. I figured it was a good idea to write something outside of my usual genre between projects.
I have the first page down plus a little and it reminds me how hard it is to start anew. It also reminds me that my first page never stays so not to worry to much about making it sparkle.
I was browsing blogs and what not about Golden Heart finalists. Yes, it’s March so inevitably, I have the Golden Heart announcements on the brain even though they’re three weeks away. There are authors who have finalled in the GH year after year after year. That tells me not to beat myself up if I don’t final as I’m probably competing against people who are good at finalling and know what they’re doing when it comes to the GH. It also tells me that there are a lot of great authors out there with great books who still take years and years to get published.
Does that make me feel better? I don’t know. But it’s reality.
Mar 02, 2009 @ 10:19:43
Good luck! Fingers crossed for you.