I was enamored of the little memory game they had on the Summer Sizzling Reads Party at The Romance Reviews (click on over for some fun trivia and chances to win free books!)
So I had some fun with it and found the javascript to create my own version using some lovely book covers. So click and find out what I’ve been reading lately (Plus I had to throw in one of mine to even things out).
Jul 09, 2012 @ 07:56:00
As you can see a lot of historical romance. Have to keep up with what’s shiny and new in my genre. 🙂
Jul 09, 2012 @ 07:59:04
That was fun 🙂 Although I probably could’ve done it in less clicks if I was more awake!
Jul 09, 2012 @ 08:00:14
Yeah, I can totally see that all those would be strictly for research 😉
Jul 09, 2012 @ 08:06:54
Dara – no worries! I don’t keep score. That would have required another hour or so of timesuckage
Bria – Gotta keep up with the times! I hear Dukes are out, Earls are in this season…
Jul 09, 2012 @ 08:12:51
I was joking about Dukes being out, but now that I think of it, of the historical romances, two are working class heroes and two others have titled gentlemen who choose to “get their hands dirty” by working. A new trend, hmm?
Jul 09, 2012 @ 12:21:47
Great game. I play something similar on my workstation at home. Love the covers. I have “Coveted” which is not a historical and it is on my list to read soon.
Jul 14, 2012 @ 16:01:40
This was so much fun, thank you Jenanie! 😀