I’m in one of my moods and when I get there, I always get introspective and there’s usually some blubbering.
Take a look at my flowers! My lovely chaptermates at MORWA gave them to me today to commemorate my first sale, but that’s only the tip of the iceberg. They arranged for something better than the Golden Heartยฎ and the contract put together. (Okay, maybe not better than the contract.)
Remember how I was gushing about meeting Jade Lee at Nationals? She shows up today at the Crestwood Barnes and Noble for the meeting. I guess that’s not too weird. She’s a romance author and the ladies at MORWA seem to know everybody. But when Kimberly Killion announces my sale, who comes up to present me my first flowers? Jade Lee…who also announces that she finished Butterfly Swords last night and is giving me a cover quote!!!
Let me go total fan girl for a moment. (I thought I played it pretty cool by not bawling all over Ms. Lee’s shoulder at the meeting) Four years ago, I found Hungry Tigress at a rest stop in Barstow. I had just started writing “Dragon Court”, just stumbling around trying to learn, and I wasn’t even setting it in Asia. I was going for a fantasy world based on China. But I read the rest of Jade Lee’s Tigress series and was so inspired, I committed to the Tang Dynasty.
Then I sought out more Jade Lee. I read Devil’s Bargain. I read The Concubine and brought it to Nationals to get it signed. You know the Crimson City series? I actually only read Seduced By Crimson and none of the others. What kind of nut only reads the middle book in a series?
I don’t know who in my chapter thought to do this for me, but I am simply overcome. Just to think, a year ago I had nothing to show but hope and now my freakin’ idol has read my book.
At this moment, I don’t care if Butterfly Swords only sells one copy to my mother. This is a dream come true and I’m so very happy.
This is a good moment.
Aug 16, 2009 @ 07:35:25
AMAZING! Congratulations! A sale and an amazing blurb?? I can’t wait to read this book!
Aug 16, 2009 @ 09:28:30
So proud of you Jeannie! Was a great moment to witness.
Aug 16, 2009 @ 17:55:30
Yay! Look at you, Miss Sold To NY ๐
I’d buy your book. So that’s two.
Aug 16, 2009 @ 22:12:43
Jax – you, mum and MIL who’s apparently selling it around the church social ladies….hmm… When she told me about it, I had flashbacks to trying to sell chocolates for those school fundraisers. ๐
Aug 17, 2009 @ 06:49:23
Aww, Jeannie! Congrats! I probably wouldn’t have been as cool as you. I’d have cried, lol! I’ve loved watching the path to your publication unfold and I can’t wait to see your book in print!
Aug 17, 2009 @ 10:26:30
Oh wow!! That’s beyond exciting.
And I would’ve cried. Definitely. ๐
Aug 17, 2009 @ 11:31:20
Oh yeah, I’d bawl. And AS IF you’re only going to sell a copy to your Mom. ๐ I look forward to seeing this book on the market – blurb and all.
BTW, I’d like to do an interview with you sometime for my blog if you’re willing? Free promotion! LOL.
Aug 17, 2009 @ 18:08:03
I did plenty of sobbing once I got home. Might have been sniffly when I typed up the blog post.
And I’d love to do an interview for your blog Victoria! We’ll definitely be in touch.