It’s about to start!
I’ve set aside April 11 through April 24 Fast Draft. I never can do NaNo because it happens in the worst month. November is not only Thanksgiving, but it’s also my birthday month. I’m too busy demanding attention for myself to do Nano. 🙂
Fast Draft for me is very simple. It’s two weeks of writing 10 pages a day. I always do it about four chapters into a story and it gets me past the hump. It’s really a psychological thing. I do a bunch of psyching myself up before hand and then I have the comfort of knowing that at the end, a good portion of the story will be behind me. We all need our little writing quirks.
I’m surprised how many writers have jumped on the bandwagon on Romance Divas and set their own goals. So many that I’m getting a little intimidated being the ring leader. I hope they don’t expect a task master. All I do is manage myself.
Well, one of my Fast Draft rituals I got from Candace Havens is to put a collage together. I also do some research so I can put myself on research blackout for the next two weeks. No China History Forum, no travel sites. I’m going to ban YouTube as well. I did spend an hour or so studying some beautiful Wudang sword styles yesterday:
Apr 09, 2010 @ 09:07:50
Maybe I should try this for about the same time…the 11th isn’t that far off but if I gear my mind to it now, I can try for it. 10 pages a day is a lot…maybe I’ll try for 6 or 7, but I’ll have to think about it 🙂
I find I can get the most amount of writing done when I’m doing something like NaNo.
NaNo month is also my birthday month too. The start of NaNo is my birthday 🙂
Apr 09, 2010 @ 09:41:47
Ok, I’m taking the leap and joining in the madness. I’ll go from April 12-26. And I’ll set my goal around 2500-3K per day (as I generally lose my mind about that point).
Fast Draft: I Just May Lose My Sanity « Tales from the Writing Front
Apr 09, 2010 @ 09:48:12
[…] today, I read my good friend Jeannie Lin’s blog (like I do everyday ) She posted about Fast Draft. Essentially, it’s completing a novel […]
Apr 09, 2010 @ 11:56:49
Join the madness Dara! Maybe I’ll post my progress here. Nothing like public accountability to keep you going.
And I’m not crazy enough to finish a novel a month like you Nano-ers. Two weeks is all I can muster, but as I mentioned, half a novel is half the battle.
Apr 09, 2010 @ 17:59:07
To be honest I never quite “finished” a novel in a month 😛 I hit 50K but my novels generally go another 30K past that. So maybe I get about three quarters of the way…
Still if I can get closer to the end on this novel, it’s worth it!