The only thing better than a contest is a free contest! Who needs to pay $30 bucks for a contest? Your big break can be just a blog away. I think this is the blogosphere version of reality shows.
Lately I’ve been following several writing contests with pretty substantial prizes. Usually an editor or agent read.
Rachelle Chase’s Chase the Dream contest:
Enter the first 1000 words of your romance manuscript. If you don’t win the first week, then enter again. Two finalists have been crowned so far, but this goes on until March 20,2009 with a finalist and a mini-critique winner each week. An impressive panel of agents are lined up to read through the finalists.
Casablanca Authors – Ready, Set, PITCH! (I don’t know if that’s the official name)
Contest date is January 29. Enter a 50 word pitch. To winner receives a full manuscript reading from Deb Werksmen, editor at Sourcebooks. Rules will be posted on January 24.
Karin Tabke’s First Line contest:
You can’t enter anymore, but it’s fun to check out the variety. I got cut in the very first round. 🙁 But I like to check in every week to see which ones made it to the next round.
Miss Snark’s First Victim Secret Agent Contest
New Edition: I have to add this because this is so cool and a wonderful blog all around! Miss Snark’s First Victim Secret Agent contests apparently run every month. Wow! Thanks Amanda for the info and for commenting.
Good luck all who enter. Know of any other contests? Has anyone ever gotten their break through these blog contests?
Jan 23, 2009 @ 15:26:06
Thanks for the heads up on the Casablanca Author pitch. The other one coming up is Miss Snark’s First Victim’s February secret agent.
Jan 23, 2009 @ 16:00:44
Jan 23, 2009 @ 17:03:23
Thanks for posting about the contests!
Jan 23, 2009 @ 18:24:39
Each month it’s a different secret agent looking for different genres.
Jan 23, 2009 @ 20:39:09
Thanks for posting the link to Rachelle Chase’s Chase the Dream contest. I just entered! Wheee!
I’m also following Karin Tabke’s First Line contest. It’s fun to see who makes it each week, but it hurts when your favorites suddenly disappear. Sniff. I’m still in the running and never know from week to week if I’ll be the next one cut! Eeek! Mine pales next to some really excellent entries.
Jan 23, 2009 @ 20:50:42
Good luck Karen!
Jan 24, 2009 @ 10:21:49
Thanks, Jeannielin! 8^)