Historical Paranormal Workshop at Romance Divas

Writing Historical Paranormal Romance with Some of The Hottest Authors in the Genre

March 20th & 21st at Romance Divas

Colleen Gleason
Melissa Mayhue
Jennifer Ashley
Sharon Page
Jennifer St. Giles

Want to know how to write romance that brings a mysterious and paranormal twist to history? Romance Divas is hosting a 2-day workshop with some of the hottest names in the Historical Paranormal genre. It will take place at the Romance Diva Forum. All are welcome. To get access to the forum you will need to register.

My thoughts keep on going back to Shinjuku


I’m trying to brainstorm a new story and my thoughts keep on going back to Tokyo and the amazing two days I spent there years ago.

There’s a short I want to write that isn’t romance. It’s more of a reflective piece; a slice of life. I think I’m going to do that as a palette cleanser.

I picked up an idea a while ago from Candace Havens who suggested making a collage of pictures and phrases that inspire your story. I stuck with just images. I had taken pictures while I was there with a yellow disposable wind & snap camera, but the pictures are gone. I can never hold on to pieces of paper. So I stole these memories off the internet except for the picture of the prayer tablets.