Romance trading cards – Download Templates

Hello RTC’ers! I tried to make this as easy as I could.

Here are the templates for download. They are in compressed zip files and are saved as .PNG files which should be usable in most image programs. A good open source that’s available online is GIMP. There’s a Windows and I believe Linux download here. Mac users…’re on your own. I don’t know Mac.

Download GIMP 2.6.11

When you open the template, you’ll notice that it’s lying on it’s side, like this:

That’s because that’s how you have to turn it into GotPrint. (I asked them if there was any way to change that and they said not at this time.)

So you may need to flip the image to work with it and flip it back. There are separate layers for the frame. The Guideline layer is what GotPrint provides. You’ll see how I tried to frame the borders and lettering around those guides. When you save it to send to GotPrint, you must remove the guide layer or make it invisible so it doesn’t show up.

You’ll be uploading TWO images to GotPrint – the front and the back.

To do your cover on the back, you’ll have to format your image in the same way by lying it on it’s side:

Now it’s time to get friendly with your graphic design friends. Everyone knows someone, right?

Remember, all images must follow the GotPrint guidelines:

Click on image to download GotPrint basic template

The templates below have been created with those guidelines incorporated. If you are not using the genre templates, please adhere to the guides above so your images show correctly.

Historical Contemporary Erotic Romance Romantic Suspense
Paranormal Fantasy Futuristic Women’s Fiction
I will not be creating any more templates. If you wish to add a different genre, you may download the generic template and create your own.
Inspirational Generic