First Butterfly Swords giveaway!

So far, newsletter subscribers have received insider info, sneak peeks at the book trailer, and advance news about new stories and sales. This week, they’ll be eligible for my first giveaway:

My agent Gail called me yesterday and gushed that she was holding a copy of Butterfly Swords in her hands and that it was gorgeous! She wanted to warn me so I didn’t run into  the wall or burst into tears or kiss the mailman when I saw them. I’m waiting eagerly…

So I’m giving away my very first copy of Butterfly Swords this weekend! The entry link is only in the newsletter, so join up and enter with the correct passphrase for a chance to win.


Also, anyone who subscribes before September 1 will be given two free entries for the Launch Celebration giveaways. Come see the goodies and join the launch crew activities.

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June Edition of My Newsletter


I’ve just sent out issue #2 of the Jeannie Lin newsletter. Interestingly enough, readers don’t constantly hover over the internet and live, eat, and breathe books….hmmm…fancy that! Even my friends in the writing community don’t constantly visit forums, so several readers have contacted me to express excitement over the October release of Butterfly Swords with a note to “remind them” when it’s time.

That brings me back to a time before I became immersed in Romancelandia. When I only knew books were coming out because I browsed through the bookstore and saw a new book by my favorite authors. Only once in a blue moon would I know in advance.

Hence, the newsletter. My little gossip column and monthly reminder. 🙂

In the June issue:

  • The dates and locations of my first book signings
  • A special promotion for newsletter subscribers
  • Find out how Robert Downey Jr. and Jeannie Lin are related
  • What happened on my recent L.A. tour

What? You don’t receive the newsletter yet? Sign up here: