Exactly one week from today my first published work, The Taming of Mei Lin, will be released. It’s already available for pre-order on Amazon and B&N.com. With advance reviews, people have already started reading which already has my nerves singing. It’s a big thing to have your work “live” to the world. I’ve been waking up too early with butterflies in my stomach. It only makes me imagine what I’ll feel like as October nears!
September 1st is the start of my Butterfly Swords Launch Celebration complete with giveaways and special interviews. I’m dedicating this site in the month of September to “Warrior Women” with guest blogs from some spectacular “action gals”. I can’t wait to introduce them in one week.
I’ll also be starting a blog tour in September. I’ll be hopping all over the interwebs to chat about what inspired my stories, interesting trivia about martial arts, reflection on Chinese culture and history, pretty much about anything and everything wuxia, romance, and historical that went into the stories.
In the meantime, sit tight. And I want to send a special thanks to a few partners in crime who have already started spreading the word about Butterfly Swords on their blogs and websites. I’m very touched by the enthusiasm out there for my very first book.
Big thanks to:
Mom – Yes. Mom. I think she’s more excited about promotion than the book. She’s hitting bookstores around my hometown to distribute bookmarks and also talking it up to local newspapers. She’s also reading Butterfly Swords right now. *gulp* I have a feeling she might be my toughest reviewer. Little Sis gets her critiquing skills from somewhere…
Stephanie Draven – Fabulous speculative fiction and romance author who is featuring Butterfly Swords in her own Launch Party for her October debut novel from Harlequin Nocturne, Poisoned Kisses. (You’ll see I’m giving away a copy of Poisoned Kisses as part of my launch. Karma, reciprocity, more positive energy to go around)
Susan – The director of the Silk Road track at DragonCon who’s giving away free copies as well as doing readings from Butterfly Swords at the Con this year. I can’t wait to go next year!
Victoria Dixon – Her site “The Ron Empress” is dedicated to the promotion, education, and networking of authors of Asian novels.
Dara Sorensen – “In the Write Mind” is a wonderful blog about her writing journey including fascinating research about Japanese history and mythology
David Bridger – Romance and Urban Fantasy Author of Beauty and the Bastard put out a great mention on his LiveJournal. His own debut has been receiving some great reviews!
Redd – Whose blog “The Forgotten Hollow” features reviews and gorgeous cover art.
Hafelina – A Southern California tweep who has generously volunteered to spread the word on the west coast with bookmarks and other goodies.
Jennifer Leeland – Fellow Romance Diva who writes edgy romantic stories and some of the best action/suspense I’ve read put out an amazing Thursday Thirteen about Butterfly Swords. I’m so humbled!
Lexie – Who runs the review site “Poisoned Rationality” has not only posted on her blog about Butterfly Swords, but has come up with her own contest to promote it. Wow! Check out the “Butterfly Swords – OMG I Want Now” Contest.
The Diva Bookcase – Is another wonderful romance review site who’s reviewing the book and has been kind enough to jump in by linking, tweeting, and passing out bookmarks to spread the word.
Carol Rose – An author and newly minted Romance Diva has given a great mention on her blog Moonlight and Roses.
FredTownWard – Fellow tweep and Amazon reviewer has also hit the bookstores with bookmarks
…and many, many more supporters who’ve tweeted and blogged independent of the launch celebration. Your enthusiasm is making this all the more special.
I know I couldn’t mention everyone and I won’t be able to do this going forward, but I just wanted to give a special shout out to the early birds. I hope you’re as excited as I am for October!
Aug 25, 2010 @ 05:35:35
I’m so excited about Butterfly Swords coming out, Jeannie! Some of us have been waiting ever since you revealed bits of it at the We All Win contest on Divas a while ago.
And since I’m sure “The Taming of Mei Lin” will be the same high quality you always write, I’ll be getting that one too.
Aug 25, 2010 @ 05:41:01
I have a question about e-books…since I don’t have a specialized reader, I’d just be buying an ebook to read on the computer. So that means I’d need to download a software that will read the ebook as well. Is there a format that you would recommend I buy? I think I heard that the Kindle ebooks lets amazon take away the ebook from you if they feel like it…which makes me less inclined to go for that one.
Aug 25, 2010 @ 06:35:06
Thanks Jen! I bought A Dangerous Exchange after reading your excerpt in the WAW contest and loved it. (A Romance Divas contest where Jen took first, by the way.) Oh my gosh, that was years and years ago, wasn’t it?
Rita – If you buy from eHarlequin, the formats you can choose are Adobe PDF which everyone is pretty familar with, Adobe ePub which is a nicer bookish looking format, Microsoft eBook, or Mobipocket. The software for these is is pretty lightweight, much the equivalent of a plugin similar to what you use to read PDF files.
More than one person has actually asked me about this. I think the Taming of Mei Lin will be first foray into e-books for a couple readers. I think I’ll do an informative post this weekend to explain.
Aug 25, 2010 @ 08:54:55
Well thanks for mentioning me 🙂 I’m counting the days for this book to come out!