I always thought being a travel writer would be the best job in the world. My Little Sis happened to marry a journalist and travel writer, lucky gal! He hasn’t traveled much lately and now does most of his research through phone interviews and such, but one of their first dates was in Tahiti. And on my sister’s birthday too!
You can’t say that didn’t have something to do with her being swept off her feet.
Recently, the BIL asked me for some reflections on my stint in Seoul as a technical consultant. I was giddy to be quoted! In my less than public persona, of course.
The article made me want to visit Seoul again and see how it’s changed in eight years:
Dynamic by Design by Rob Rogers
Jun 14, 2010 @ 11:26:22
Oh I always wanted to be a travel writer. That or an archeologist. Both of course have to do with some traveling.
One person I’m super envious of is author Michelle Moran. She writes amazing historical fiction AND travels the world. That’s my new dream right there 🙂