Alright, I succumbed. For the past week I kept on seeing hits to my blog from Twitter. And by “hits” I mean 3.
Curiosity got the best of me and I signed up. And oh my gosh, is it addictive! You see friends from your address book immediately upon entering. And then you’re in this multichannel IM panel.
Obviously this isn’t new to anyone but silly ol’ me. But I can see how it hooks you. It’s like going into the girls bathroom and actually being part of the crowd instead of having to listen to the gossip from the stall before slinking away as quick as possible.
I still don’t know how people were getting to the blog through Twitter. Probably Excerpt Monday.
May 15, 2009 @ 09:59:31
I still haven’t figured out Twitter! I think I might be following too many people that I don’t know because I always feel 10 steps behind the convo.
May 15, 2009 @ 11:35:59
I’m on Twitter; I’ve had an account since last September I think. I don’t update much though; my life isn’t interesting enough to update on (short of giving mundane updates about what I had for lunch, which no one but me cares about :P)
I might try using it more later on though.
May 15, 2009 @ 16:59:49
I’m going to lurk for a while. It was all the social pressure to join. I guess I’m a joiner. *sigh*