Set in the Han dynasty, this movie centers around the high drama of the Battle of Red Cliff, the definitive showdown between three warlords that ushered in the Three Kingdoms period. The battle and characters were romanticized in Romance of the Three Kingdoms and the scope of this movie is breathtaking.
This movie has already been released in China, Australia and international markets to mega-blockbuster returns. It’s been compared to The Lord of the Rings. The U.S. release is scheduled for later this year, but I haven’t been able to hunt down an exact date.
I can’t wait to see it in the theatres here. Other than being a fan of Tony Leung and a sucker for the epic, sweeping historical, I’m also hoping this is another sign that mainstream audiences are ready for Asian historical romances. *fingers crossed*
Larger than life characters, intrigue, and lines like “The thought of going to battle against you is unbearable.” This is the sort of passion that inspired my stories. 🙂
Victoria Dixon
Jul 05, 2009 @ 21:09:58
Oh My GOD! How did you get it to link to your site like this? I ended up just having to post a link.
Jul 06, 2009 @ 09:13:24
Hee hee. On YouTube, look to the right where they provide links. You want to paste in the embedded object link to your page. 🙂
Victoria Dixon
Jul 06, 2009 @ 11:36:17
🙁 I don’t think Blogspot will let me. You have a website, which allows you to operate by different rules. *Sigh* There is a feature for allowing Video, but it moves it off to the sidebar area and looks strange in my opinion. I’ll fool around with it. Thanks!
Victoria Dixon
Jul 06, 2009 @ 14:41:43
YEAH! I was wrong. Actually, I kinda was and kinda wasn’t. I’d failed to notice Blogspot leaves you a footer. I put the embed link there and it looks great and even balances out my banner. 🙂 Thanks for the help!