Join the Celebration!

Thank you Friends and Fans for all your support!  The Grand Prize giveaways have been announced.

Launch Celebration From September 1 – October 15

The official release date for Butterfly Swords is October 1, 2010! I’ve been touched by the enthusiasm people have shown for the book so I wanted to put some fun launch activities together in September and October.

The Goodies

Join in the launch activities and help spread the word. In return, you get positive karma and you’ll be entered in the prize drawing. Winners will be randomly drawn on September 15, October 1, and October 15.

All giveaways are open to both U.S. and international readers!

jeannie_w_swords_smallGrand Prize – A pair of steel butterfly swords*. The very same ones I used with my costume in the Dress For Historical Success workshop!

Grand Prize – A one-of-a-kind annotated version of Butterfly Swords with handwritten comments by moi. Think of it as the DVD commentary, book version. It will include discussion about story elements, reflections, how parts of the story evolved. Thought it might be fun to do.

Grand Prize – A color 8.5 x 11 print of Butterfly Swords by deviantArtist schumy330 (Cha Cha).

The three Grand Prizes will be drawn on October 15.

Book Giveaways

In addition to giveaways for Butterfly Swords and The Taming of Mei Lin, I will also be giving away a couple of other awesome titles with the same spirit of adventure and romance as my stories.

silver-phoenix_thumbnail poisoned kisses_thumbnail heaven_sword_dragon_sabre
Silver Phoenix

by Cindy Pon

Poisoned Kisses

by Stephanie Draven

Heaven Sword

& Dragon Sabre

by Jin Yong (Louis Cha)

October Book giveaways – Individual names will be drawn for: one of two autographed copies of Butterfly Swords by Jeannie Lin or a copy of the graphic novel of Heaven Sword & Heaven Sabre, vol. 1 by Jin Yong. Winners will be drawn October 1.

September Book giveaways – Individual names will be drawn for: a free digital download of “The Taming of Mei Lin” from eHarlequin, Cindy Pon’s Silver Phoenix, hardcover edition, or an autographed copy of Stephanie Draven’s debut from Harlequin Nocturne, Poisoned Kisses. Winners will be drawn on September 15.

Party favors – Official Butterfly Swords charms are going out to all newsletter subscribers. Sign up to receive the insider track on Butterfly Swords and receive a custom designed charm. Hint: I will be designing one of these for each of my books and supplies are limited. So collect them all. 😉 (NOTE: You must include mailing address to receive the souvenir charm)

Be a Part of the Launch Crew!

One entry for each activity. Your name stays in for the entire celebration. 🙂

1. Sign up to receive the monthly newsletter

If you’d like to sign up for the newsletter, use this link.

Sign up for Jeannie’s Email Newsletter

2. Blog or Tweet about Butterfly Swords – If blogging, comment here with a link to the blog page. The topic is up to you. 🙂  If tweeting use hashtag #butterflyswords

3. Online badge – Post the Butterfly Swords badge on your webpage or blog which links back to

4. Bookmarks & Postcards – I got this idea when a couple of friends from California asked to have some bookmarks to distribute to bookstores. If you’d like a stack to give to your friendly neighborhood bookseller or library or book fair, please comment and I’ll mail them to you ASAP.

5. Blog Tour Trivia Contest – I’ll be blogging all over the interwebs in September and October. Fill out the BINGO form for additional entries.

Banners for Websites and Blogs

Please link back to “ HTML for links is coming soon!

Static versions:



Animated Versions:




  1. Jeannie Lin
    Aug 14, 2010 @ 21:29:15

    If blogging or linking an image, remember to come back here and post the URL so I know to enter you in the giveaway. Thank you for helping to spread the word.

  2. Tweets that mention Jeannie Lin | Award-winning historical romance author --
    Aug 16, 2010 @ 00:38:34

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Anne, Cia Pratiwi. Cia Pratiwi said: RT @silverwind: and! – #butterflyswords giveaways! And one of the prizes is Heaven Sword & Dragon Sabre! Oh, excellent […]

  3. Kay Bigelow
    Aug 16, 2010 @ 06:28:16

    Jeannie, I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of “Butterfly Swords!”

  4. FredTownWard
    Aug 16, 2010 @ 07:28:43

    I would like a stack of bookmarks and postcards to distribute. Are the postcards mailable as postcards (space for address, stamp, and short note)?

  5. Yvonne
    Aug 16, 2010 @ 07:46:27

    Hey, Jeannie. So excited for your book to come out. I would love some bookmarks to give to my followers.
    I tweeted the event @ posted a button on my blog @

  6. David Bridger
    Aug 16, 2010 @ 14:00:53

    Hi Jeannie. I’m looking forward to reading Butterfly Swords.

    I’ve blogged about it here:

  7. Dara
    Aug 16, 2010 @ 16:21:18

    Tweeted about it!

    Also I think I already follow your newsletter. Will post about it on my blog later and I’ll post a button soon when the HTML is up 🙂

  8. Jeannie Lin
    Aug 17, 2010 @ 06:24:37

    Thank you everyone! The mailings for postcards and bookmarks are going out.

    I’m working on the HTML…I know this stuff, I’m just slow.

  9. Yvonne
    Aug 17, 2010 @ 17:20:06

    Ha! Noticed my Twitter link doesn’t work because the “and ” is highlighted. Here is the correct twitter link

  10. Dara
    Aug 18, 2010 @ 09:47:40

    Ok, re-did my tweet since I forgot to put the hashtag in the first one:

  11. Launch Celebration of Jeannie Lin’s Butterfly Swords « Tales from the Writing Front
    Aug 18, 2010 @ 09:54:50

    […] got a great giveaway going on her blog and I highly recommend you check it […]

  12. Dara
    Aug 18, 2010 @ 09:55:22

  13. Lexie C.
    Aug 18, 2010 @ 10:05:36

    Can’t wait can’t wait!! (that being said I totally read it through NetGalley…I just want my own in my hands. Like now.)

    I posted the static image (well I’ve had one posted, but I swapped it for your official one) to my sidebar and I’m hosting a contest because I’m this excited XD

    And I tweeted about this contest!


  14. Jeannie Lin
    Aug 18, 2010 @ 15:28:55

    Thanks! Wow, I didn’t think anything would start until September. I’m thrilled. Thank you so much!

  15. Victoria Dixon
    Aug 18, 2010 @ 20:06:59

    My blog post is up at I have no clue what I’m doing with hashtags in twitter. (Yes, I’m the woman with two days worth of twitter notes on her blog and I have no clue.) That said, I’ll see if I can grasp what Dara did and copy her. LOL By all means, send me the bookmarks! You’ll have my address when I send you Marjorie Liu’s book this weekend.

  16. Anne
    Aug 18, 2010 @ 20:08:41

    Hi, I tweeted about it again here:

    *is excited*

  17. Jeannie Lin
    Aug 18, 2010 @ 20:12:15

    Thanks Anne! I actually can automatically see the tweets is #butterflyswords is on there. The only thing you need to come back here to let me know about are blogs and Facebooks!

    Wow, this is a great crew already. Warms my heart.

  18. Victoria Dixon
    Aug 18, 2010 @ 21:22:18

    Oh, pooh. I can’t figure out how to give you the tweet link, but I DID figure out the hashmark. Thanks, Dara and Anne! I THINK this is my FB link:!/ronempress?v=wall&ref=profile

    I’m beginning to sound like I’m techno illiterate and I’m NOT. Honest.

  19. Thirteen Reasons to Buy Butterfly Swords « Redneck Romance Writer
    Aug 18, 2010 @ 21:32:06

    […] The Writing 6. The Goodies offered if you spread the word 7. The Newsletter 8. The blurb On the way to her wedding, Ai Li discovers a plot against her family […]

  20. Julie
    Aug 19, 2010 @ 00:10:44

    I’m so excited I can barely see straight. I’d love to have some bookmarks or postcards to leave EVERYWHERE! 🙂

    (Oh, and I tweeted about it here: ;])

  21. Redd
    Aug 20, 2010 @ 15:32:25

    I am sooooo looking forward to getting my hands on your book! I posted one of your buttons on my book blog that links back to you…you can find it here. =) On the right side.

    Have a beautiful weekend!

  22. Jeannie Lin | Award-winning historical romance author
    Aug 21, 2010 @ 06:20:04

    […] that the Launch Celebration begins on September 1, 2010 with the release of “The Taming of Mei Lin” a digital short […]

  23. Ten Things I’d Blog About If I Had Time « Cecilia Grant
    Aug 21, 2010 @ 08:24:40

    […] whole scheme sounds pretty brilliant, with prizes for her promo elves, but the part that really caught my eye is that one of the prizes […]

  24. Jeannie Lin
    Aug 21, 2010 @ 16:27:02

    You guys are awesome!! But really, don’t worry about Twitter links. I have a constant search on #butterflyswords so I can record the mentions. BUT…please link back to this page or to so people know where to go.

    Six more weeks until October. I didn’t think the buzz would start this early, but I’m already getting excited!

  25. Abhishek Duggal
    Aug 22, 2010 @ 13:02:59

    I’d like a stack of Bookmarks & Postcards.

    Kindly contact me at forsurveysonly at gmail dot com

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  26. Jeannie Lin | Award-winning historical romance author
    Aug 25, 2010 @ 03:36:21

    […] 1st is the start of my Butterfly Swords Launch Celebration complete with giveaways and special interviews. I’m dedicating the blog in the month of […]

  27. Rita
    Aug 27, 2010 @ 07:36:53

    I’ll post on my LJ when I get the chance at home, but in the meantime, I emailed the person who runs this blog below:

    He posts about Asian concerns and Asians in media, so hopefully he might be interested in giving your book a spotlight even if he doesn’t read it himself.

    It might not happen, but I’ll keep checking and let you know if it does show up. 🙂

  28. Jeannie Lin
    Aug 27, 2010 @ 09:59:37

    I follow Angry Asian Man’s tweets and thus learned about the K-town reality show. Also followed the rash of angry, yet often funny, blogs about The Last Airbender. Must admit…I’m a little frightened of angry Asian men in general…

    Thanks for thinking of me Rita!

  29. Rita
    Aug 27, 2010 @ 15:13:42

  30. Jeannie Lin | Award-winning historical romance author
    Aug 30, 2010 @ 08:48:34

    […] a way where people who’ve followed the Butterfly Swords and Mei Lin Blog Tour could enter the Launch Celebration drawings. Following and tracking all commenters would have been heinous. And I fully didn’t […]

  31. Jeannie Lin | Award-winning historical romance author
    Sep 07, 2010 @ 05:40:45

    […] Join the Launch Celebration by tweeting, blogging, and getting the word out and you’ll be eligible to win. Details here. […]

  32. Kristi Lea
    Sep 07, 2010 @ 07:30:18

    I’m not sure I count for the drawing, though 🙂 But, am more than happy to help promote the book. Its awesome!

  33. Jeannie Lin
    Sep 07, 2010 @ 07:33:39

    @Rita – I enjoyed reading the LJ entry! My love for martial arts adventures follows a very similar story. I always liked the scoundrels. 🙂

    @Kristi – Sure you qualify! And sure you’re not in it for the swords….very few fantasy gals can resist a sword…

  34. catslady
    Sep 09, 2010 @ 09:28:48

    The covers are gorgeous and I love the title. My older daughter would definitely be interested too.

  35. Jeannie Lin
    Sep 12, 2010 @ 21:20:17

    @catslady-I love the covers too! I should give warning that these stories are technically 18+ stories, in case your daughter is younger.

  36. Jeannie Lin | Award-winning historical romance author
    Sep 12, 2010 @ 21:20:54

    […] Blog, tweet, and/or sign-up for the newsletter to join the celebration! Enter more times for more chances to win and your name stays in all the way until the Grand Prize drawings. Details here. […]

  37. anne
    Sep 13, 2010 @ 07:04:39

    Thanks for your wonderful launch and all the best. I would like to receive postcards for the launch.

  38. Jeannie Lin | Award-winning historical romance author
    Sep 14, 2010 @ 03:56:06

    […] Stephanie Draven’s Poisoned Kisses, or a copy of The Taming of Mei Lin. Details at the Launch Celebration page. Drawing will be held 8pm CST on September […]

  39. FredTownWard
    Sep 15, 2010 @ 08:27:23

    Here’s hoping I win!

    I STILL haven’t tried out your mailable postcards, but I’m finding your non-mailable postcards MUCH easier to “plant” in bookstores than your oversize bookmarks (though I usually find ways to plant them, too, in wall racks containing the free romance novel newsletters).

    I go to the Harlequin face front rack, find the Historicals, and put a postcard behind the first book in each rack, figuring that readers of other Harlequin Historicals are the best bet. Since the postcards are about the same size as a mass market paperback, they fit perfectly.

  40. Michelle Henriques-Wilson
    Sep 15, 2010 @ 15:28:06

    You can find my blog entries about Butterfly Swords & The Taming of Mei Lin at

  41. Jeannie Lin
    Sep 15, 2010 @ 16:24:30

    FredTownWard – I’m glad they’re working. The bookmarks are a bit big since I wanted them to stand out at conferences.

    Michelle – Thanks for the wonderful reviews. Glad you enjoyed the stories.

  42. Jeannie Lin
    Sep 15, 2010 @ 16:25:16

    Hi anne!
    Glad you stopped by. I’ll contact you regarding the postcards.

  43. Jeannie Lin | Award-winning historical romance author
    Sep 15, 2010 @ 18:18:10

    […] you didn’t win this time, your name stays in the pool for October 1 and October 15, the Grand Prize giveaway. Plus you can blog, FB, LJ, Tweet & spread the word to be added multiple […]

  44. Desere
    Sep 22, 2010 @ 13:03:44

    I am not that great with computers I helped spread the word by sharing on my facebook I hope it counts!!

    Love the book cover


  45. Desere
    Sep 22, 2010 @ 13:07:04

    Btw I love the party favors idea the charms sound devine !!

  46. Desere
    Sep 22, 2010 @ 13:10:01

    Also I will be happy to help with Bookmarks & Postcards at my local library here in South Africa I dont thing my library is aware of your books so I would definitely like to help spread the word ,could you send me some so I can get started.

  47. Jeannie Lin
    Sep 22, 2010 @ 13:15:03

    Thanks Desere! I will ping you regarding the bookmarks. 🙂

  48. Yvette Davis
    Sep 24, 2010 @ 12:31:20

    I tweeted:


    I want to win Butterfly Swords by Jeannie Lin! #butterflyswords Contest here:

  49. Yvette Davis
    Sep 24, 2010 @ 12:35:40

    I Facebooked you too, don’t know if that counts!

  50. Jeannie Lin
    Sep 24, 2010 @ 17:57:11

    Welcome Yvette! Thanks for the Tweet and the FB mention. I’ll enter both.