I feel like I’ve been away forever. The last week was quite hectic — big understatement! Let’s just say new job, publisher drama, living out of a suitcase, and one year older. 🙂
For one thing, my blog now is a mass of broken links. The images are all gone. *sniff* And every link on the internet of course is now broken because of the change in address of the blog. All my excerpt pages have been taken down. The old web gal in me cringes at broken links so I promise to try to fix some of that. (Who am I promising to, exactly?)
I’m back home again and I’ve decided, somehow, that this will all be better if I just get more exercise so I’m loading up my new pistachio green Ipod shuffle that my hubby gave me for my birthday and I’m going for a run. After that I have to go and be VP at our local chapter meeting. I’ve decided I need to write 50 pages this weekend or implode.
So please pardon my dust a little longer. Gotta run…gotta write.
Nov 21, 2009 @ 22:02:58
Congrats on the new job, happy birthday and good luck on the writing! 🙂