Pitching for the Shy Writer

Rebecca Clark asked me to do a blog about pitching at conference so I adapted my Coffee Talk on Pitching to a blog post. I’m naturally very shy so it was a great fit because her blog is focused on tips for shy writers. I’m hoping there’s a couple of good tips in there and I’ll be hanging around to answer questions.

I’m nervous! It’s like getting ready to teach class.

Pitching with Confidence

First post at Unusual Historicals

I was thrilled when Carrie Lofty invited me to join the Unusual Historicals blog. I’ve always enjoyed lurking there for interesting historical facts, but today I have my first appearance on there as a contributor.

My post was moved up a day, so I was a little caught off guard. The theme of the month is “Men” and I decided to focus on Warrior Culture, a topic near and dear to my stories. 🙂

I hope you enjoy. Check out the other posts as well. Lots of fascinating info. I’m still trying to find a way to link to the specific post so you may need to search for me. My topic is “Men: The Appeal of Warrior Culture”.
